You can make a difference by giving financial support through a one-time gift, a monthly pledge, or by becoming a project or event sponsor. Making a financial contribution by cheque, or online is the fastest, easiest, and safest way to help move our mission of impacting and restoring lives. Your donation will immediately make an impact on the families and individuals we serve, and the message of the gospel we share!
Bank E-Transfer: lifeonmission@hotmail.com
Password if required: Uganda
Tax Receipt Giving (Canada):
Issued by The Great Commission Foundation
Cheques can be mailed, with this donor form, to the address at the top of the form.
Donors can also contact directly at donations@gcfcanada.com
or 1-855-488-7020 ext. 425
to setup automatic payments or recurring credit card payments.
Sign up for Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) donations. Here you can securely upload your donor information and a void cheque. to have your donations pulled directly from your Canadian bank account

Pay Pal (USD) :
The types of items most often needed include, but are not limited to, the following:
Woman's cotton summer dresses
Men's polo shirts
School supplies and backpacks
Bibles and devotionals
Black school shoes
If you would like to donate items towards our next outreach missions trip please contact us or you can ship items to:
Attn: Gifts-in-Kind Department
6546 264th St.
Langley, BC V4W 1P8
Please kindly contact us before shipping large items so we can prepare to receive them.
Email: lifeonmission@hotmail.com
We've been blessed with caring friends in the business community who believe and support the mission of making a difference by investing and partnering with us. Local vendors and community entrepreneurs have teamed up with us sponsoring events or projects, or donating products and services. If you are interested in collaborating with us please contact us.
Here are various ways to contribute as a business or company:
Fund a project ( water tank , skills training or safe house)
Provide gifts-in-kind
Sponsor a student, a teacher, or a school
Offer pro bono services
Collaborate on a new project
"Adopt" a community we serve in and bring impactful change
Be a part of a short term trip to visit Uganda 2025-2026