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Become a Sponsor 

We have students and staff looking to be financially supported to continue their education. Choosing to be a sponsor is life changing.

One of the great ways to get involved is through our student + staff sponsorship program, where you can provide monthly or yearly support to a specific student or teacher at the school. The sponsorship funding provides the opportunity for continued quality education, where there would be no other means for this.

Sponsorship: About Me

Sponsor a Student


Nursery - Grade 7

Boarding student


$300/ year

$30/ month for 10 months

Our Student Sponsorship Program invites individuals and families to give monthly support to a specific student at the school. This provides each student with a quality Christian education, nutritious meal at school, uniform, health care for the student and access to community initiatives.

You can also communicate with your sponsored student through the school by email, WhatsApp, sending them letters and photos, or planning a visit to Uganda.


To sponsor a student fill out this form and we will mail you a photo and bio of a student chosen for you!

Sponsor a Teacher


Primary Education

Bachelors Program

at Bugema University, Uganda


$3000/ year

$250/ month for 12 months

Our teachers do the jobs of teaching, mentoring, counseling and often parenting, as many of our students are orphaned, or partially orphaned, and many live on campus. They have 20-25 in a classroom at one time. It is a big job, and takes a big heart. We want them continue their education and aim to achieve their Bachelors Degree in Education. When you support a teacher, you provide hundreds of children access to education. Please consider helping as many orphans as possible to receive a good education by sponsoring a community teacher.

Sponsor a Project


Building expansion
Water Pumps and Tanks
Solar Power
Community Clinic
School Van
Agriculture and Nutrition

As we expand and welcome over 250 students at Rwentutu this year we are always looking for ways to improve and grow. 

We are in need of financial sponsors to help us with the following projects:

_A boys boarding house

_A more sustainable water pumping system 

_Solar panels for our chapel and class room blocks

_Furniture and medical supplies for our community clinic and sick bay

_Financial aid for the maintenance and up keep of our donated school van

_A kitchen renovation to promote healthier meals for daily student and staff provisions.

If one of these ps is something you can help with, please contact us to inquire about the specific project budgets and be directed on how to donate.


Sponsorship: Other Projects
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