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Soaking it all in

During our short time here in Kasese we have already experienced one marriage introduction, two church weddings and a burial gathering. Our familiy friends here have experienced a very eventful month. Many goats have been bought and gifted for these festivities, either as part of the dowry, or the supper feasts. While still in Canada we thought it would be ideal if we could try to immerse ourselves in the culture, to become a part of the community, however we didnt know we truely would be feeling like part of the family! Ugandans have a beautiful way of embracing you and welcoming you. We treasure familiar faces, remembering names and learning to greet in the local language.

We are loving Africa. It's definitely not a walk in the park....we are experiencing many times of boredom, loneliness, uncertainty... not to mention no power and extreme heat....but on the flip side we are also enjoying times of laughter, spiritual insight and evidence of God's faithful provision.

The value placed on family and traditions is so unlike our culture. Hundred of people attend eachothers significant life events, hours and hours are spent in church services throughout the week worshiping, praying and listening to preachers. Such large families stay in such close quarters and still love each other deeply. Almost everything about living here is different or new or bizarre to us. We just lay in bed each night reliving odd interactions, retelling funny conversations or giggling about how ridiculous it all is. But we are happy here!

We are determined to create new meals from our random purchases during our daily trips to the market. We are challenged as we share Truths about who Jesus is and then hear stubborn (sometimes ignorant) rebuttals that get us tangled in a loop. We wait for the children to yell at us as we walk the dusty road ....they are either freaked out by Sarah's white skin or run up to her and pet her arm with the biggest smile. We continue to mourn little luxeries like real butter, blenders and shampoo that lathers, but we just focus on the things we do have. All in all we need and appreciate your prayers as we seek to share the Good News of the Gospel and desire to see many young lives changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit. We will be preparing some program materials in the days to come that will be used when we gather young leaders together with the intention to dive deep into important conversations around Jesus and reaching the next generation in a real and relevant way. We are expecting great things!

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