See a need, fill the need
At Youth Church we have a motto that says "see a need, fill the need" and everyday it can be put into practice...even in the smallest ways.
In the past week we have been helping like minded leaders assess their ministry needs while coming alongside them with care, encouragement and support.
While staying in a boys shelter in Kampala for a week, we saw great work being done and little boys lives been changed by God's grace! We offered to help them brand their minstry as they prepare for growth and expansion. Our friends at Love A Child Uganda are rescuing vulnerable street children, providing them shelter in a safe home and teaching them basic life skills and most importantly God's plan and purpose for thier lives. I may not be able to financially back a non-profit, or physically save children from the slums and reunited them with their families.....but what CAN I do?
I can teach the boys morning excersises. I can read them the story of David and Golith and teach them songs. I can proof read sponsorship letters and help them create a social media prescence. I can pray for eyes to see the needs of those around me and be brave enough to find ways to step in and offer help. Helping children find love and hope in Jesus is our privilege!